Posts tagged anxiety
Yes, I’m Aware of My Stress…Now What?

Stress is more complex than just recognizing we’re overwhelmed and jumping into a warm bath to feel better. Maybe you feel like you’ve heard all there is to hear about stress and coping with it. Even still, let’s take just a little bit of time to talk about it and see if there’s anything you might be overlooking as potentially stress-related and maybe give you some coping skills you haven’t tried yet!

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The Summer Blues: The Other Side of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Ah, at last, the summer has finally arrived! For many people, this time of year brings a sense of joy, lightheartedness, and fun. Afterall, what’s not to like about sunshine, beach outings, vacations, and longer days? It would seem like a simple equation for happiness and uplifted moods- right? However, a  small percentage of people experience summer much differently than the majority. You have probably heard of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, which is typically associated with the winter months. This is when a person experiences symptoms of depression due to less sunlight and colder temperatures.  However, for a smaller subset of people, summer has the opposite effect and triggers an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms. Experts believe it may be attributed to higher humidity levels, social pressures, body image issues, or longer days. So, what can we do to help ease summer depression symptoms? Here are a few tips to help cope with SAD in the summer.

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Love Thy Self

February is finally upon us and it’s the time of year to celebrate love! Typically, we associate Valentine’s Day with recognizing the love we have within our romantic relationships. But, before we can love another, we must practice celebrating the love we have for ourselves. The concept of self-love is often easily overlooked and devalued by many.

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Kids, Anxiety, and the Holiday Season

Kids are supposed to be happy and excited during the holidays, right? Well, for many children, the hustle and bustle of the holiday season sparks unwanted feelings of anxiousness. As adults, we tend to overlook this truth and excuse the change in behavior as being a side effect of this magical season. Yet, the fact remains that children suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and other anxiety-related disorders may experience a heightened sense of nervousness during these busy months. So, how do parents support their child’s needs and still manage their own copious to-do lists? Well, here are a few therapeutic activities that may benefit your child.

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Positive Affirmations

The phrase “positive affirmations” seems to pop up everywhere now. We scroll on social media and they are there. We hear about them on TV shows and movies, and now our kids’ teachers are using them in the classroom. Great exposure, but what the heck are they, and why are they important?

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