Our Services


Concierge Services

We offer a diverse range of virtual mental health services through HIPAA-compliant platforms across New Jersey, New York, Vermont, and Florida. At the heart of our practice lies the art of concierge therapy, an intimate approach that defies the conventional cookie-cutter methods of mental health treatment.

In our practice, we embrace the uniqueness of each individual, steering away from the one-size-fits-all mentality imposed by insurance companies. Concierge therapy, in its essence, is personalized, convenient, flexible, timely, and above all, private. It's an offering that transcends the limitations of standardized approaches, allowing us to tailor our services precisely to the needs and desires of those seeking our support.

We break free from the constraints set by insurance companies, giving you the freedom to navigate your therapeutic journey without external dictates. Here, not every individual fits into a predefined box, and that's more than okay—it's celebrated. Our practice offers various forms of concierge therapy, ensuring a rich and fulfilling experience for all who choose to embark on this holistic journey with us.


Availability & Location

Sessions, tailored to your unique needs, are available by appointment, ensuring a personalized touch to your therapeutic journey. The practice offers the convenience of scheduling 7 days a week, with morning, afternoon, and evening hours. For additional convenience, you have 24/7 access to our calendar through our portal. While weekends and evenings are in high demand, we strive to accommodate your preferences, creating a space that aligns seamlessly with your lifestyle.

We extend our support across New Jersey, New York, Vermont, and Florida providing a comfortable virtual experience to those within these states.

Our dedicated clinicians collaborate with you to determine the optimal session frequency, aligning with your therapy goals and schedule. Whether it's weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or on an as-needed basis, we tailor our approach. For added convenience, standing appointments offer a consistent weekly spot, and flexible session lengths cater to your comfort, ranging from 15-minute check-ins to 90-minute sessions.